Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hawaii Part I

Pam and David Controlling the BowFin Sub

Some People at work thought I was dating this handsome hunk.

Pam and I never remember Mom in the Ocean before.
And we lived all our growing up years at the beach!

Sariah has already said I am sassy, but I have printed out
the below photo and hung it next to my monitor.
It reminds me to be healthy, eat right
and exercise every day!

Take a look at Alvie's muscles!  Ooohh!

Some pictures from Hawaii - More to follow!


Grandma Pearl said...

WOW !!! You are looking so beautiful.
We had a great time in Hawaii and I'm anxious to see some more pictures and I need some copies, can you figure out which ones?

scooping it up said...

yes please! More more! You all look so very happy :)

Grandma Pearl said...

Net, your pictures are great. Nice work on the blog. Hawaii looked terrific and so did you and everyone else...Love, Dad...