Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Day Before

On Tuesday, December 21, 2010, Danny's fiance, Laurelle Ashley, received her endownment in the Laie, Hawaii Temple.  Jonah and Eliza waited outside and Danny and I enjoyed a wonderfully over crowded temple session.  3 sisters and two brothers were going to the temple for the first time.  After wards Laurelle and her mother ran to town to pick up white dress shoes and Danny's tux.  Danny and I transported all his belongings to their new studio apartment where he and his bride will be living after they return from their honeymoon.  Laurelle had been promise a New Zealand cruise as a present for graduating from college from her parents.  So....they just bought a ticket for Danny also.  Often it is cheaper to take a ship from Honolulu than try to fly off the island. 

We all met up at the Polynesian Center (my 3rd visit in 4 weeks) that evening, saw a few more island shows, enjoyed a great Luau Dinner and fire dance presentation. 

A Monarch on temple grounds

The temple grounds vegetation was beautiful

Danny's dance with a Tahitian

We were taught how to dance.
Women bend their knees and rock back and forth going heel, toe, heel, toe.
This is what makes your hips rock and sway.
Men bend their knees and move them back and forth like a chicken dance.

The grooms family.  The men are wearing the
traditional polynesian dress - a Su Lu.
I saw many of these at the Laie Temple dedication,
They come in all dark colors and pen stripes.

Jonah is such a lady's man.

Eliza's back side.

The PCC river and my backside.
I don't know what Jonah was doing with the camera.

Danny and Laurelle at the Luau.
All couples who were celebrating an anniversary
or honeymoom were invited on stage for a love dance.

Danny and Laurelle are the only couple getting married tomorrow.
One was married 3 days, one forgot and had to ask his wife.
There was about 20 couples on stage.
The proud parents of the groom.

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