Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Provo MTC

We took Danny to the Barber as soon as we arrived back in Cedar City on June 24th. He had loads cut off and was reminded by the barber to always have the thining shears taken to him heavily. We bought suits and shirts and ties and socks and a great garment bag for his suits! I have to brag - Danny looks so awesome and amazingly handsome. It it wonderful what a missionary haircut can do for your face.
Thankyou everyone for your love and support and contributions. Danny and I greatly appreciate it! His only longing was to be at Grandma and Grandpa's 5oth Celebration. Danny spent three weeks in the Provo MTC and after much prayer and fasting his Visa did come through so he could go with his originally planned group of Elders to Spain. He flew out July 22nd and arrived in Madrid on the 23rd. He will be 6 weeks at the MTC there with weekly visits to the temple. And then he will recieve his first assignment in the MALAGA Mission.
You may write to Danny at the following address:

Elder Danny D. Hafen
c/del Templo 2,4
28030 Madrid


Jarom and Melissa said...

I love the picture with Danny and all of you. Good for him!

Rabecca said...

Way to go, Mom. we prayed that his year at BYU Hawaii would be good for him all around and it seems it has. Now our kids will be doubling up on their craft projects because there are two family members on missions to write to.